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Payroll Information


Physical checks will continue to be mailed directly to employees.  Please consider signing up for direct deposit on the PeopleSoft ESS Portal if you are currently receiving physical checks. If you have questions regarding your paycheck, please contact your assigned Payroll Technician.

Payroll Staff Assignments by Last Name

A - G                Reyes Gonzalez, Payroll Technician

                        Phone: (760) 331-5066 -

G - L (2/7/25)  Priscila Pidgeon, Payroll Technician

                        Phone: (760) 331-5049 -

K - R               Jeff Goodman, Payroll Technician

                        Phone: (760) 331-5047 -

– J/S - Z       Patricia Flores, Lead Payroll Technician

                        Phone: (760) 331-5044 -

Paystubs Online  

peoplesoftPaycheck Access


How to view your paychecks in PeopleSoft!

It is very important that you clear your cache before you log in to PeopleSoft for the first time after the upgrade. 

Here is a link if you need instructions on how to do so: How to clear your cache

Viewing Your Paycheck in Fluid 

This video walks user through the new Employee Self-Service Fluid Portal to view their paycheck. (7 minutes)


Employment Verification


Old Paystub Access

To access paystubs please use the following link:


Paystub Online Training Guide (PDF)

To change a document's application:

  1. Select the document and choose File > Get Info.
  2. Click "Open with" in the Info window.
  3. Choose an application from the pop-up menu, or choose Other to locate a different application. (In this case you would probably want Adobe Acrobat Reader)
  4. The file may not have a .pdf ext, but it should open anyway.